More on Outlook Tasks
Thursday, December 14, 2006 at 9:59
Mark Forster in MS Outlook

In my last posting on the subject, I described how emails can be dragged into the text box on an Outlook Task. However it's not just emails that can be dragged into the text box. You can also drag website links and any sort of file that Windows Explorer lists. You can even drag tasks into the text box. So you can assemble in one place all the documents concerning a particular task or project. Be careful though if you intend to make changes to any of these documents because they are not links to the original documents but are stored as copies attached to the task box.

So far I have described what happens if you drag an email or other document into the text box on a Task. But what happens if you drag the document directly into the Task folder icon in the Outlook margin? You might like to try it now with an email.

What you get is a Task box with the text of the email.

Now try it with a Word document - drag one into the Tasks icon in the Outlook margin. Again you get a Task box with the file showing as an icon. But there is one big difference here - this is a live link to the original document. Any changes you make will be saved directly to the original.

How can you use this? Say for instance that you are writing a report or a book. You can drag the file into Tasks, and set the alarm to bring it up for you regularly each morning at a certain time. You can also attach to the Task any reference material in the form of web links or files that you might need. What more could you want? Get writing!

More on this subject soon.

Article originally appeared on Get Everything Done (
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