Dieting at Christmas - Part III
Thursday, December 28, 2006 at 12:10
Mark Forster in Dieting

To my amazement this morning I was exactly on my target weight for the day. This was a much faster recovery than I was expecting. All I needed to get there was the first two rules: No Second Helpings and No Snacking, both of which remain in force. The next hurdle will be when the target weight drops on schedule by half a pound tomorrow. Nothing out of the ordinary after that until a large meal on New Year’s Eve and another large meal on New Year’s Day. And when I say “large” I mean LARGE!

This diet is truly proving itself to be both effective and extremely easy. In fact for most of the four and a half weeks since starting it, I have eaten perfectly normally without any rules in place at all. If I get through into the new year ok, I will write it up properly with the tips which I have picked up on the way so that other people can follow it if they wish.

To sum up, I have a rare feeling of confidence in this diet - both that I will have no trouble at all in keeping to it, and that it will enable me to lose the weight I want.

Full details of the diet I am following can be found here.

Article originally appeared on Get Everything Done (
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