Getting to this Goal
Saturday, September 30, 2006 at 12:29
Mark Forster

I've continued moving towards the goal of setting up this website by putting in more articles, especially the series on Getting to Your Goals, working out how to insert ads, and doing other housekeeping jobs. That's Step 3 of the Getting to Your Goals process. But I've also been working on Step 4 Monitoring Progress by setting up Excel graphs to monitor the growth of the site. As I say in the article, this is the step that is often forgotten about!

One thing I want to experiment with is making the navigation bar into an interesting place in its own right. That means there needs to be loads of content in it, not just links and ads. I've started with a Thought of the Day slot and am actively thinking of other things that need to go on it.

One other highly important thing that I am doing is systematising the work on the website. There are all sorts of jobs that need to be done on a more or less daily basis. It's important that it's not just left to chance.

Article originally appeared on Get Everything Done (
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