I wrote this at the beginning of the year, but didn’t dare publish it until now. I’ve successfully lost half a stone (7 lbs for those of you who don’t speak British English) since I wrote it, so feel that I’ve made enough progress to go public!
Full details of the diet I have been following are given in my article Can I Improve on the “No S” Diet.
Looking back over the figures, I started this year 6 lbs heavier than I was at the beginning of last year!
So it sounds as if the diet wasn’t a great success.
But wait, it’s a bit more complicated than that. A couple of weeks before Christmas I was several pounds lighter than a year before. So what made the difference? A year ago I was on the diet over Christmas, and this year I wasn’t.
In fact what put paid to the diet last year wasn’t any fault in the diet itself. It was holidays!
A week in Sicily and a month in Canada were disastrous.
In fact there is a problem with the diet whenever I can’t weigh myself. So the obvious solution is to travel with my scales. My scales aren’t that heavy or bulky so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
Next time I travel it will be with my scales!
Anyway I started the diet again with effect January 1st. Wish me luck!