Handling Various Tasks in SuperFocus
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 22:42
Mark Forster in Articles, SuperFocus

While testing version 3 of SuperFocus, I used some of the following methods

To read “War and Peace” I wrote the task as one project, which would only be finished when the entire book had been read. Therefore it remained constantly in Column 2, and some of it was read every time I changed pages. I used the same technique for writing the Reviews of the Systems and for clearing backlogs. The whole of each project was one task.

To do the dishes after meals, I did not keep the task on my list. Instead immediately after each meal I added the task to Column 2 as an urgent task.

I was reading several other books at the same time as War and Peace, but these I just put as single tasks in column 1. The task was effectively “Read a bit of X”. The books progressed steadily but much slower than War and Peace.

I kept “Email” and “Paper” as tasks in Column 1. Whenever I left them unfinished, as often happened, I re-entered the task in Column 2. Once I had cleared it all, it went back into Column 1.

I was reading Hokusai’s “100 Famous Views of Edo”, which I wanted to do one picture at a time. So I entered this as “Edo 7” and then “Edo 8” etc. This resulting in my reading approximately one a day.

Finally, writing this blog entry “Handling Various Types of Task in SuperFocus” started today as a Task in Column 1 of the then last page. It was then re-entered in Column 2 of the following page, which was the new last page, and then re-entered again on the next following page, which again was the new last page. Here it was completed and not re-entered again. So the system allowed for three drafts to happen in one afternoon and evening. (I have been writing the Consolidated Rules for AutoFocus at the same time - but they need more drafts!)

Article originally appeared on Get Everything Done (http://markforster.squarespace.com/).
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