Theme for the Day
Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 7:00
Mark Forster in Articles

Whatever time management system you are using it’s useful to give each day a theme for your work. This is the aspect of your work to which you are going to give extra attention that day. It might be a project or it might be something wider, such as strategizing, or more procedural such as speed of response or lack of distraction.

There’s a simple way of deciding on the Theme for the Day. This is based on the Questioning methods described in Secrets of Productive People.

Each morning write out five possible candidates for Theme of the Day. (If you prefer you can do this exercise the night before).

Then choose one, and destroy the list. I usually write the list on my computer so it’s just a matter of deleting the list.

Intoduce the project or other action chosen as early as possible into your work for the day, and keep re-introducing it throughout the day.

If suitable to the theme, you can write a dynamic list for it.

Repeat the whole process for the following day. It does not matter whether your Theme for the Day is the same as the previous day or different.

Article originally appeared on Get Everything Done (
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