My Book Challenge - Update
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 18:24
Mark Forster in book challenge

It’s been a long time since I last reported on my book challenge - and that’s because it’s been a disaster. I haven’t made any progress on any book since.

I’ve just changed tack again, starting yesterday. My new method is this:

  1. Read for a timed half hour twice a day.
  2. I may only read from one book during the half-hour.
  3. The exception is if I finish the book, in which case I can read another for the balance of the time.
  4. The half hours do not have to be the same book each time.
  5. There is no limit on the number of books I can be reading using this method.
  6. They must however be books, i.e. not blog posts, magazine articles, newspapers, etc.

To borrow a metaphor from the world of running, I am now seeing how far I can run in half an hour rather than seeing how long it takes to cover a certain distance. I’ve adopted that for my running practice as well - with one session of an hour. (4.63 miles today since you ask!)

Article originally appeared on Get Everything Done (
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