In my post about Willpower Training I suggested that each time you fail to complete a group of tasks you should start again with a group of one task and work back up from there.
But a better way to keep pushing your limits for training purposes would be to drop the number of tasks in the group by two, rather than go right back to one.
So the rules would be:
1. Write a list of tasks which you are fairly confident that you can complete in order.
2. if you succeed in finishing the list, add one to the number of tasks and write a new list. For example, if you complete a list of fifteen tasks, write a new list with sixteen tasks in it.
3. If you fail to finish the list, subtract two from the number of tasks and write a new list. For example, if you fail to complete a list of fifteen tasks, write a new list with thirteen tasks in it.
So your training session might go like this:
15 tasks - succeed
16 tasks - succeed
17 tasks - succeed
18 tasks - fail
16 tasks - fail
14 tasks - succeed
15 tasks - succeed
16 tasks - succeed
17 tasks - succeed
18 tasks - succeed
19 tasks etc.