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Discussion Forum > Current Initiative System idea

I've always really liked Mark's 'Current Initiative' concept. I seem to prefer to make a lot of progress on one thing at a time whilst maintaining as much as possible the routine stuff. I also like to review / give self feedback on progress as it helps me build momentum.

So, I have an idea for a System. The tools are: 1. A notebook 2. A large post it note (12 - 20 lines or a piece of paper) 3. A record book to write in. (A Calendar / Scheduler is used with any system so I have note specifically included this although items for review could go onto this - I use Outlook Tasks and review when they become due).

The basic idea is that one writes incoming items in a notebook that has the date written in each day so notes can be captured. Routine items like 'inbox zero' and 'tidy desk' (it would be OK to use a daily check list) don't need to be captured unless one is likely to forget to do them. The post it note is for writing in a Current Initiative plus a maximum of up to 2 other items. The Record book is for logging daily progress on the Current Initiative(s) worked on that day.


1. Notebook: Date each day and use to capture incoming notes / tasks / ideas.
2. Post it note / piece of paper: Before going to bed at night or first thing in the morning, write down the Current Initiative you want to work on. Put a dot beside it. A maximum of up to 2 other items can be added also. As Mark described in a previous post - the Current Initiative is then re-entered when worked on with a dot beside it. The idea is to scan the other items (up to two only) before deciding to work on the current initiative again. Items are scored through when worked on and can be re-entered as necessary.
3. Record book: This is for recording progress made on Current Initiatives. The column headings are 1. Date 2. Current Initiative 3. Progress Made. This is done at the end of the day or when you are done working for the day.

Hopefully this system offers a manageable 'Plan Do Review' method that also provides a way of logging progress on Current Initiatives. I woke up with this idea this morning basically so it is totally untested. Anyway, I'm going to try my best to do a reasonable trial with it and I will report back on my findings here.
January 23, 2016 at 11:03 | Unregistered CommenterLeon