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Discussion Forum > Direct The Flow 90 (DTF 90)

Sadly, the lent challenge has not gone well for me...during a difficult, anxiety driven week, I have switched around with systems several times - some of which were not Mark Forster based.

Mark's ideas and methods always help me feel that the shackles are off again - very intuitive and great to get back to. This is especially the case with catch-all lists as it all seems much better contained!

So basically I'm trying this idea - and most of it is based on Mark's work: It is using the carats (like in 'The Bounce') however the user decides where they want to go next (up the list or down the list). In this way, the user is directing the flow of action. It's OK to look up and down the list to decide what direction to go in next.

Closing pages: Pages are closed out in a similar way to Auto Focus. An 'X' is put in the top corner of the page to close it out. An 'X' with a circle around it means that all previous pages are closed out. Items can be dismissed naturally i.e. by simply leaving them unmarked but closing out the page.

Why the 90 bit? I like the idea of giving myself a 100 day challenge to stick to this system and then rewarding myself for being consistent. I settled on 90 days though, as it sort of represents a quarter of the year. What I am doing is writing the number next to the date as a countdown each day (e.g. 90, 89, 88 etc). In this way, the user can earn a reward for getting down to zero! (Believe me, this would be a massive achievement in my case).

Not sure this will be of interest, but it's great to share ideas here.
March 17, 2017 at 22:27 | Unregistered CommenterLeon
Have you tried FAF yet? Just an idea, because that is what I picked for my Lenten challenge and honestly it is not even a challenge to keep on using it. Same advantages of the Bounce, but with the feel of AF1.
March 18, 2017 at 4:11 | Registered Commenternuntym