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Discussion Forum > @HOME and Falling Behind

I have a certain number of projects/tasks that I would like to get accomplished at home. I have been entering them in to my task diary for completion. The problem is that I cannot seem to get all of my HOME tasks done! In my task diary I use a little post-it flag for my past completed day, which as of this writing is last week. There are always a few actions that STICK to the diary and never seem to get completed.

I ruthlessly follow my Will Do list at work every day with much success. I do cringe though when I note the @HOME type items that I cannot PHYSICALLY DO while I am at work.

For a person that has come from the GTD World this has been a significant challenge for me implementing DIT. My guy reaction is to create an @HOME list and work off of it, but I realize this also doesnt make the work COMPLETED....

Can anyone provide any advice for me here? Am I not implementing the proper BACKLOG process?
November 18, 2008 at 15:59 | Unregistered CommenterErik
Hi Erik, I have a similar problem - no problems completing my will do list at work but I can't seem to clear it at home.I guess I have a more realistic amount of time at work. When I look at how much time I actually have to focus, i.e. not have to multi task, there is actually very little. I am trialling blocking out commited activities, like spending time with my kids, and that is at least giving me a realistic picture of how much time I actually have. I am also blocking DIY tasks by type and trying to clear them in 1 session which seems much more efficient. But it aint easy!
November 18, 2008 at 21:35 | Unregistered CommenterLeon