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Discussion Forum > Domestic vs. "Work"

Hi Mark

Thanks for your books. I've found them all very inspiring and have used many of the ideas in them with great success. However, I have one problem I would love some advice on.

I find it easy to get my paid work organised and done (I'm a self-employed gardener). It is kind of a 'no option' situation in that my customers wouldn't let me NOT do it!! I also find it relatively easy to make time for my hobby/ies (drawing and ceramics). However, on the domestic front I'm a bit of a mess. I really want the results but don't particularly enjoy the chores involved in keeping on top of everything. I also have a huge backlog in this area. I've found Do It Tomorrow somewhat helpful with many of the ideas but did find it seemed to focus more on (office based?) work than the domestic setting.

Any advice or ideas on this would be very gratefully received. Thank you.
October 18, 2006 at 17:44 | Unregistered CommenterHannah R
Hi, Hannah. Yes, it's true that DIT concentrates more on office-based work but nevertheless the principles apply just as much to a domestic or personal setting.

The principle of dealing with a backlog applies here. Get your routine for domestic chores sorted first, and only then tackle the backlog. Define for yourself a minimum amount of tidiness etc that you want to maintain, and don't let yourself get paralysed by perfectionism.
October 18, 2006 at 23:27 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Thanks Mark

Yes, I can see that the principles can apply more widely - and I have already done this in a number of cases.

Perfectionism can indeed be a problem for me (if it isn't going to be done perfectly, sometimes it doesn't get done at all !!).

I think the main thing that it would be very useful to have some ideas on is how to build a routine of tasks that will get the results I want without getting bogged down by perfectionism or put off by the 'threat' repsonse of the reactive mind.

Any thoughts?
October 19, 2006 at 11:37 | Unregistered CommenterHannah R
The key to getting ahead with housework is little and often. Get a routine which becomes a habit. Take baby steps and most importantly see this website will really get you sorted you won't believe the difference. Fly lady helps you set up routines for your housework, encourages you to stop beimg a perfectionist and sends you daily e-mail reminders so you don't slip. Fantastic - its worked for me!!
October 19, 2006 at 13:43 | Unregistered CommenterJo Holland
Yes, that's good advice from Jo. Remember with housework the AAA BBB CCC sequence applies just as much as it does in other situations.(see )

Rather than completely clean one room each day, it's quicker to dust all the rooms one day, put things back in place another day, vacuum all the carpets on yet another day etc.
October 19, 2006 at 19:37 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Hi again.

Yes, thanks to Jo for the advice - I'm looking into the Flylady site and it is very encouraging. I have done similar things in the past but tried to do too much at once so much of it didn't last. The idea of 'baby steps' is a good one (similar to Mark's idea of breaking larger tasks down into smaller chunks until the resistance is gone). I shall definitely be following a lot of what they suggest.

And thanks Mark for your advice - there are many times when clumping similar tasks together has worked well for me so I shall be giving that a go too.

I think the idea of the discussion forum on the site is great. The mix of responses is very valuable. Thank you all...
October 19, 2006 at 22:31 | Unregistered CommenterHannah R
An update to this posting. The Website is EXCELLENT for sorting out all things domestic. I have been following many of the ideas for a little while now in between unexpected interruptions (and there have been several of late!). I have been amazed at how easy it is to come back to the routines even when circumstances have meant that I've had to take a break because I just haven't been able to make time to stick with them. This is, I think, the first system I've found that really works for me over a long enough timescale to actually build new habits.

Thanks Jo you were right - it really does work!!!
November 18, 2006 at 17:56 | Unregistered CommenterHannah R