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Discussion Forum > Task manager on Palm

Hi there,

Nearly finished reading your book "Get everything done and still have time to play" and it's doing me and my business the power of good! I just wondered, do you use a PDA? I have a Palm and am looking for a more comprehensive Task/Project Manager program than the one included, to better incorporate your ideas. Have you heard of any that fit the bill?


January 4, 2007 at 13:20 | Unregistered CommenterTimVS
Dear Tim,
Thanks for your query. No, I don't use a PDA. I'm a great believer in using technology when there are definite benefits, but not just for the sake of using it. Personally I find that paper and pen is by far the easiest way to keep my diary and plan my work. So I can't really help you on this one. Maybe other readers can?

By the way, my latest ideas on time management are contained in Do It Tomorrow. You might want to read that before investing in a new system.
January 4, 2007 at 15:42 | Registered CommenterMark Forster

I tried using a Palm Pilot for Tasks but never found it very successful. After attending one of Mark's seminars which formed the foundation of his book "Do It Tommorrow", I bought a diary and let the batteries go flat in the Palm Pilot and I haven't missed it since.

I find writing things down is much better and I feel you have a better sense of achievement when you can cross something off the list with a pen than you do putting a tick in a check box.

The only thing I did miss was quick access to names and phone numbers, but as I'm never that far from a PC, keeping those on a memory stick does me just as well.
January 7, 2007 at 16:05 | Unregistered CommenterChris Holliday
Thanks, Chris, for the comment on paper and pencil. I actually print out my diary on A4 paper and have it on a clip board, and similarly all the phone numbers I commonly use. They lie neatly on my desk or can be picked up and put into my briefcase when I am travelling.
January 8, 2007 at 9:01 | Registered CommenterMark Forster

I use my old HP iPaq 1940 to keep diaties, lists and project outlines to hand. I would not claim to be totally on top of my "will do" list, though, so perhaps my stubbornness in persisting with electronic lists is not a great example. I suspect that it's more to do with personal discipline than tools.

I use the task list, grouped by due date. Most of the data entry is done on the PC, in MS Outlook, often by dragging mails into tomorrow's date in the task folder. I use Pocket Informant as my pocket PIM. I think of this as a more flexible user interface for the standard PIM database, but this may be an oversimplification.

Any tasks which need to be actioned the same day go in to yesterday's date to keep them separate. ( this way I preserve the priority of the mails).

I use pocket thinker as an outliner for project plans and brainstorms. It's simple and has basic links with Outlook. On the PC, I use One Note 2007 (Beta) for a lot of this. If my Pocket PC weren't so Ancient, I'd look at the OneNote for Pocket PC.

It sort of works, but it's probably just stubbornness keeping me electronic.


January 9, 2007 at 7:30 | Unregistered CommenterWill Ross