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Discussion Forum > Sciral Consistency Software - Good for Routine Items


I have always found Routine items to be a problem with regards to software. They have to be set on a very specific recurring pattern, which I don't think always suits. Normally Routine items obviously have to be done routinely but at the same time they normally need to be done within a certain range. Not necessarily on a specific day, obviously dependant on the item itself. They are sometimes in themselves low priority overall,and the first things that get the chop if the day is too busy.

Preferring Software to paper, I looked around for something that could handle Routine items. I was recommended to try Sciral Consistency. In itself it is described as software that handles those items that really have no home on either your Calendar or ToDo List. I found it ideal for handling Routine items. Because when you enter the items you set a min/max day setting. So really from the start date you could say the earliest you could do an items is 3 days from now, the latest in 7 days. So you really define a time period. If you don't do it for whatever reason, it shows as overdue, you mark it done when you have completed the item. Then it updates the item with the same time pattern from the date completed. It overall gives you a graphical representation of how 'consistent' you are with all of your Routine items. But there is little upkeep once the items are entered. You don't have to change recurring item settings, reschedule etc.

All in all I find it a great piece of software for just handling Routine items. Thought I would mention it here so people can take a look themselves. I am not affiliated with the software at all. Just a user.

Anyway works on Windows and Mac, costs $25.00. Check it out here

Its early days for this software, version 1.1.3, there are the odd annoyances. Like long text not wrapping etc. But overall I have found it invaluable. Just really a different approach but seems to personally suit me :)

All the best

March 4, 2007 at 23:11 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Wynn
What would be the paper version of this? Currently, I simply have a list and when I do the chore, I write in the date I did it. This is for recurring things like vacuuming, laundry, exercise,write, journal,keep up with social contacts, etc....I put the everyday ones that I'm reluctant to do at the top, omit the everyday ones I automatically do and then put the others below that. It helps me to prevent from letting things lapse too long but doesn't set the deadline in stone either. I have to have some referring system as I have brain injuries that ruined my short term memory. Plus I like the relative flexibility so I can do these more at my convenience rather than over scheduling my life. I'm open to other peoples ideas. How do you other paper planners work this out..
March 8, 2007 at 13:53 | Unregistered Commenterlearning as I go
You can have a sheet and print a grid on it. Along th x-Axis you have numbers for the days of th month. Y-Axes is each recurring task a line. Then you just fill it in with color-pencils.
April 20, 2007 at 1:34 | Unregistered CommenterChristopher K