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Discussion Forum > Forster Mac/Apple Fans

Hey folks. A few months ago, I moved everything from Evernote to Apple Notes. Recently, I've set up a few smart folders in Apple Notes to implement a few elements from Mark's DWM system. It's working really, really well. However I've been infected with Mark-Forster-iritis and always looking to to improve, refine, etc the rules and workflow.

If you're knee-deep in the Apple ecosystem (especially Apple Notes), and are interested in any of the above. I'd be glad to explain (here or via Zoom) the workflow. In exchange for a bit of coaching, you'll provide me with suggestions on how to improve this system.

September 21, 2023 at 13:39 | Registered Commenteravrum
Not in Apple Notes, but I understand this -itis. If it doesn't flow absolutely smoothly, it doesn't flow at all.
September 21, 2023 at 17:15 | Registered CommenterAlan Baljeu
Alan - I might have a different itis variant ;)

Whenever I’m trying a system, my own or someone else’s, if I can make it past a few days I usually have found something that works. So far my set up is working well. My “itis” has to do with an itchiness that it can be improved.
September 21, 2023 at 20:06 | Registered Commenteravrum

You are aware that Apple Notes supports hashtags? You could include full body notes in the system and hashtag them for quick access as, uhm, notes.
September 21, 2023 at 20:10 | Unregistered CommenterChristopher

<<You are aware that Apple Notes supports hashtags?>>

Yes - and they are critical in how I implement a version of DWM in Apple Notes.

I have two smart folders: 7 Days & 30 Days

7 Day folder has the following filter: Dated Edited: Last 7 Days & Tag: Seven

30 Day filer: Dated Edited: Last 30 Days & Tag: Thirty

Love those hashtags #
September 21, 2023 at 21:45 | Registered Commenteravrum