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FV and FVP Forum > Summarizing differences between FV, FVP, FFVP - correct?

Hi, I have been having some great success with concepts of the FV, FVP and FFVP methodologies but I am still a bit confused between them. This is how I understand the differences:

: key question after dotting a task is "What task do I want to do *before* this task"

: key question after dotting a task is "What task do I want to do *more than* this task"

: key questions after dotting a task are (1) "Am I ready to do this now" and if not, (2) "What task do I want to do *more than* this task"

Is this correct? Am I missing some other difference between the three methods?

And are people still finding all three versions useful or has everybody simply moved on to FFVP as the latest?
August 12, 2018 at 23:20 | Unregistered CommenterSimon
From the root task, scan down asking "what do I want do do before x?". Dot the ones that answer the question and do the dotted tasks in reverse order.

Like FV but after you finish a task you continue scanning from the task you just completed. Then do the last dotted task.

Like FVP but you can do the last dotted task at any time if you feel ready.
Alternatively, like FV but you can scan down at any time.
(These amount to the same thing)

Personally I have started using FV again because it allows me to handle all my current work while preventing me from forgetting any old work.
August 13, 2018 at 4:58 | Unregistered Commenterjames220