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It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you place the blame. Oscar Wilde




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scan0003.jpgMark Forster’s book Get Everything Done and Still Have Time to Play took an entirely new approach to time management. One of his most important points was that once we have taken on a commitment, prioritising does not work because we need to do everything relating to that commitment. In the six years since he wrote the book, as he reached thousands of people through writing, seminars and coaching, he continued to develop and refine his methods . He has then perfected even more effective methods of getting everything done through the introduction of some radical new ideas, including closed lists, the manyana principle and the ‘will do’ list. He is brilliant at helping people to use new forms of communication effectively so that they do not become a tyrant. The result is a complete system which will enable almost anyone to complete one day’s work in one day. price £5.29. To order click here.

Read the first chapter here



I’m currently running a programme called Extraordinary Women Entrepreneurs here in Belfast, which I’ve designed and created.  Nine great women, group and 1:1 coaching, with the main objective being to support them in the development of their personal and professional strengths, confidence and business.
As part of the benefits, they receive a few free books, one of which is your recent one.  Well, Mark!  You are the Man!!! At last night’s session, all of the five women who had actually read the book were absolutely thrilled at the impact it was having on their lives – they kept on saying things like – ‘closed list; backlog; commitments vs interests;’.  Seriously, they were all absolutely raving about the results they were experiencing from reading your book.  And yes I’m also reading it myself – to huge benefit.  It inspired me to dejunk my office completely, streamline my daily tasks and begin to enjoy coming to my office again.  For the first time in a long time, I actually have a feeling of ‘space’ in my schedule; not that I’m any less busy, its just that I am in a place of more effortless control.
I’m just about to order a few more, to give to my 1:1 clients.
Here’s to your brilliant wisdom – thankyou sooooooooooooo much.
Trudy Arthurs, The Extraordinary Women Entrepreneurs Coach,

Mark, your new book is an absolute masterpiece. I have been able to start implementing the systems immediately and as a result, I’m already completely on top of my work, just as predicted; I don’t panic when a new job comes in, because I know just how to deal with it; I now work with enjoyment and ease; and I can actually take the weekends off now without guilt! Thank you for “Do It Tomorrow”—it’s a true lifechanger!
Manoj Vijayan,
ebook cover designer and graphic artist

You’ll have gathered I read your book. Thought it was your best yet and I’ve managed to clear the backlog of 955 emails in my inbox down to 150 and start afresh dealing with new ones. Brilliant ideas for dealing with backlogs that will be a lifesaver for so many people (me included). I also particularly like the fact that it gives permission to stop beating oneself up.
Maria Davies

Having read both your previous books and been to your seminar, I thoroughly enjoyed the practical, yet strangely magical, techniques you set out in your latest books. It’s amazing how putting simple systems in place can propel your work forward and stop you feeling like you’re desperately trying to stem a flood of neverending tasks.
Sarah Beer, student

I wanted to write to thank you for DO IT TOMORROW. I’d pre-ordered it from and since it arrived have read it through twice. It’s really turned around how I view work at my office. The first day I was planning to implement the principles, I was called on to support a demo for a customer the next afternoon. That day and the next day were spent 100% on preparing for that demo.
Previous to DIT, I would have stressed about all the work that was backing up and that wasn’t getting done. But this time, I thought, “Everything that comes in today and tomorrow will be Wednesday’s backlog.” And simply knowing that the work was in a container and would be actioned and processed was a relief.
I do falter now and then, but your book provides very clear guidance for how to right myself.
Mike Brown, Senior Technical Writer

Mark Forster is one of the few truly original voices in the field of time management.  The techniques he shares in his new book, ‘Do it Tomorrow and other secrets of Time Management’ have revolutionized my own work habits, allowing me the space to really express my creativity while providing the structure to get everything done with time to spare.  Buy the book, read it, use it, and enjoy your life!
Michael Neill

Congratulations on your latest book, which I’ve been devouring this weekend. Having read your previous two titles, I have been waiting with bated breath for the new one ever since I spotted it in the publishing schedules. It makes a great follow-up to your other books. I’m pleased to see your thinking about time management has evolved slightly over time. Some authors’ thoughts on the subject seem permanently fixed. I was especially keen on the part about self-deception to motivate yourself (‘I’m not going to write the report…’), which I thought an original and courageous take on the problem of getting over psychological hurdles. Here’s hoping the book does well for you, and hoping too that you’re planning a fourth!
Justin Gamblin

“Just a very quick note (as I work through my email backlog!) to say I think your new book is really great.”
Sarah Wilson

As I grew up putting things off, my mother habitually asked me “Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today?”  But despite her best efforts, I always did put it off, and now I’m delighted to discover that I was right all along!
Do It Tomorrow and Other Secrets of Time Management by Mark Forster has just been published.  It’s not in bookshops yet, but it is available on Amazon.  Mine arrived last Thursday, I started reading it on Friday, and started implementing the suggested strategies on Monday.  By Tuesday my entire backlog was isolated, not permitted to grow anymore, and systems were in place to get everything new done… tomorrow!  And it’s working a treat.
By Wednesday I had eliminated my paper backlog completely, while still getting through my To Do list, because it’s no longer a traditional open To Do list, but a very closed list (and I’m not even sure if I should be calling it a To Do anymore).  By Thursday I’d made significant inroads into my email backlog, and I still hadn’t finished the book - not because it’s not compulsive reading, but because it makes you want to get started, and of course I’m planning my day better.  And most importantly, I’m sticking to the plan!!
OK, it is early days, but I am inclined to think that Forster’s ideas for managing time are simply brilliant.  If you’ve been on time management courses before, but never seem to implement the recommended techniques in your day to day life, (or fail to get your workload under control despite implementing them), then this book will offer you some very interesting, and hugely effective alternatives to the traditional time management principles.  You’ll change the way you prioritise your work and you’ll change the way you approach your day.
I really can’t recommend this book highly enough.  If you find yourself constantly fire-fighting and unable to get through your day’s work, then get yourself onto Amazon now and order a copy.  You will be doing yourself a massive favour.
PS.  This is one thing I suggest you do today ;-)
Hilda Carroll

I’m writing just to say thank you.
Several  weeks ago I bought a copy of your book ‘Do It Tommorrow’ I have implemented your advice and strategies,and the effects have been truly amazing both at work and at home.
As a generally  disorganised procrastinater, I have tried other systems before, but have generally found them to be too complex and ultimately unworkable. Your straightforward strategies  however seem eminently workable and have made such a positive difference to my life, that I felt I had to thank you!
Name withheld by request price £5.29. To order click here.

Read the first chapter here