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Discussion Forum > Superfocus, ipad and taskpaper


There is an experiment I wish to share with you.

It's about Taskpaper
an incredible software which has a lot of advantages.

see the video here

I finally got my Ipad and it is incredible. The tools helps me a lot centralizing my important stuff in one place and it is indeed helpfull.

The most funny was the look of my clients when instead of the big note book i use to show at an appointment, just see now a little tablet and nothing not even a pen...

But what amazed me was about Af. Even if I now that computer has alway cut my intuition, I wanted to give it a try, just one, just in case...

I just wondered if I could try to work just 2 days with my ipad just making me in head that paper do not exist anymore and pen desapeared with it.

So I took a taskpaper file and did just like this making it very simple as I did with paper and my old notebook.It looks like this :

1 (this is the project name)
- 4/5
- call totor about my bill when will he pay me ?
important to let the space it is necessary for seeing the tasks when the page will be dissmissed.
- Do I have to do this or that is it the right way ?
- call john does he know a good layer ?
- building of Levallois is it worth to work on it ? if yes the next action is to study it
- go asap to the hairdresser I look like a punk !
- 5/5
- message to mrs birmingham does she know who is the owner of the building of london ?

and so on
the result is nice. and taskpaper autorize a selection on word such as call, london and so on

for tags I use only @UI (urgent and unfinished)
@Ci current initiatives comes from Dit for tasks i do every day or daily checklist
@Dissmissed but only for the all project acording af rules

I dont know where this will lead me but it is interesting.

For the moment There is no problem with my productivity and my way of working.

however, I no it's stupid, but i still wonder when i am on the last page(ie page 4) where goes the urgent and unfinished tasks.... is it on page 2 my first active page ? (page one is dissmissed)

if anyone knows the answer thanks to tell me. And if you want some others explanation just ask !
May 5, 2011 at 18:17 | Registered CommenterJupiter
here is how my SF looks like

1 @Dismissed
- 3/5

2. @Dismissed
- 4/5

- 5/5


- 5/5




- XXXX (Ci)
- gjhucdkqc (Ci)
- ghghgkshk (Ci)

numbers are in TP projects
Ci = current initiative
Contexts = @Ci, @Dismissed, @UI (urgent and important) NOTHING ELSE
May 5, 2011 at 19:42 | Registered CommenterJupiter
the result is definitivly interesting I have now 7 pages and 2 dismissed

i worked for 2hours on my SF list and had no problem with my intuition because of the close list by project

it was also interesting to take some tasks from page 5 or 6 knowing I wont be there since a long time and putting them in page 3 my active page

I grouped all my task UI at the end of each page then it's like a C2 column

When I dissmissed my 2 fisrt pages I noticed I reported some tasks on the next active page which was P2 some came in C1 (begining of the page) some in C2 (end of the list) with the tag @UI

The sync is great ! it works with the free simple text and is read by text edit

So I can work if I wish on my computer to make my least clear sync and have it on my ipad.

i GOT Rid of my dailiy task list were I reported all that I done the day as a journal because SF does it perfectly well with my date as a task in my list. It save me some time.

well well it seems ok. :)))

But what really change my life was the help of MF when he explained to me the dismissed rule. It can be strange but I finaly understood that dismiss doesnt concern tasks but page and now it works perfectly well !!!! (at last)
May 5, 2011 at 20:20 | Registered CommenterJupiter
Hi Jupiter - thank you so much for this post. I tried out Todopaper (taskpaper's win version), and I really like the simple UI. I'm really getting into the hang of electronic AF now. I was using MLO before this.

The upside of electronic use (the ability to paste notes from the web and hyperlinks that fleshes out a task, especially one requiring information gathering) outweighs the obvious downsides of the reduced speed and immediacy. But with Task/Todopaper's simplicity, this downside is reduced significantly.

You said << I grouped all my task UI at the end of each page then it's like a C2 column>>. I don't quite understand how you create C2 from this explanation. Would you care to elaborate?

At the moment, I have Page 1, Page 2, etc as projects and tasks created under them to replicate a notebook. But just don't get the hang of replicating a C2 column on each page.

And I love the tags - I use it to identify projects and errands. Its good to have a grouped view at times to have an overall idea of a project or a series of tasks to be done at a specific location.
May 6, 2011 at 10:22 | Registered CommenterJD
Hi JD "You said << I grouped all my task UI at the end of each page then it's like a C2 column>>. I don't quite understand how you create C2 from this explanation. Would you care to elaborate?

> It's indeed simple. Taskpaper aloud a selection by project (Which group tasks and notes) or by Tags (see the video). When I read or create my tasks I write it on my list one by one. Then some tasks UI are in the midle off some others tasks. Mentaly I associate UI with urgent and important ie C2 and usual tasks with C1. If I read the list and see a UI, I just clic on the - XXXXX and drag it at the end of my list and mentaly associates it as a C2 column.

So the process is simple I read the list without UI it's my C1 column then I arrive to the UI it's my C2 column.

For the rules I follow MF Rules. a task wich is not finished is usualy tag as UI first then drop to the next page (project)

I dont use many tags but they help me a lot. Mine are UI, Dismissed (and Plan) Which is for a task or a group of task I put on my diary to do it. Example I must do my acount now after this post I put as an appointment on my diary Account from 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm and look on task paper all relatives tasks which are tags as @PLAN

Errands doesnt go on SF it goes on omnifocus because I dont have to really do it now or at a very short time and as I have mon iphone everytime with me (not the ipad) when I am outside I can have a quick look to my omnifocus list.

Omnifocus is also helpfull for the all list of project, for planning tasks ex a future call at a right time for non actionable tasks, for thinking and erasing tasks about projects
And I can drag and drop tasks from OF to task paper and erase it on OF as they become actionable.

The system works very very well. And is fast and easy.

Don't mistake I love paper, notebook, and pen but taspaper and omnifocus together are indeed powrfull, simple and easy. And its is increble efficient for dismiss. I can erase all tasks about a page at a glance and drag and drop a whole list at a glance too.

Ouaoouhh I love it.
May 6, 2011 at 12:43 | Registered CommenterJupiter
Thanks Jupiter for the detailed explanation. Tags are really easy to set up, and so emulating C2 in the way you describe it seems quite workable.
May 8, 2011 at 11:35 | Registered CommenterJD
JD The system works better and better. I try to let it simple the most I can but It's incredible how I feel. For the first time I gone for a ride of bicycle of half an hour during my time work just because my job was done.

The dismiss rules and the urgent and unfinished rule works perfectly with taskpaper.

The review, double reading is perfect.

I was late since today of 3 days of tasks (I put at the begining of my first written daily task today's date) and now I am at today. I am on page 8 without of 9. So I am sure to finish my list tomorrow and the previous pages (one to 7) are dismissed.

I think I got it. :)
May 9, 2011 at 18:11 | Registered CommenterJupiter
Hi all. I report my result after testing the system from may 3 th until 11 th (9 days).

The system has some advantage :
1. All tasks are synchronized so I can work everywhere ie take notes on my iphone, my ipad, or my Imac.
2. It easy to sort all the tasks about a word such as a name or a project name.
3. There is a real control about tasks and a real feeling about the nature of tasks. Ie I noticed i exceptionally reported some tasks even 2 or 3 pages later because I wanted to treat it in 2 or 3 days. I also could put it on my diary, but I was lazy.
4. The list is clean and always up to date.
5. Dismissing and applying the rules are easy

The two major inconvenient is about my intuition and the time it takes me on the flow when the activity is hard and rushing. About my intuition, as TP imitated paper, I thought there could be no incidence. I was wrong. there is one. I am less intuitive and I feel less comfortable with the system. About the time it take me paper as said MF is more comfortable and faster. There is also a better control with paper than with digital.

So as my list was short only one page I came back to my previous paper note book and just reported the new tasks.

The advantage of this digital try is that it made me discover and understand MF SF rules and the dismissing of pages, much better that if I stayed on paper.

Anyway, I may conclude by these words. Yes the digital solution TP works and it is easy to do it and to work with. But, for me I feel much comfortable with my paper notebook. Writing it by hand let's me appropriate my stuff so I go faster. But there is one rule I gona respect : My notebook will never leave my office for I don't want to loose it.
May 12, 2011 at 7:51 | Registered CommenterJupiter
I know this is a bit off track but Penultimate recently came out with various new paper templates as backgrounds for their digital notebooks.
Here is a nice one for SF:
May 13, 2011 at 15:17 | Registered CommenterErik
Hi Erik I red your thread and bought Penultimate.
My problem was about writing. I cant find a good pen with a fine writing. All pen I found are too thick so it is difficult to write on the ipad with it. Do you have any idea ?
May 13, 2011 at 18:54 | Registered CommenterJupiter
The 3M Smart Pen is the best out there.
Don't be deceived by it's big tip; it's a joy to use.
May 14, 2011 at 11:06 | Registered CommenterErik