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Discussion Forum > Apple Reminders

Hi all

I have seen the apple video about IOS 5 and iCloud. There is a new feature which may be very interesting for us it is REMINDERS. It alouds to make lists which are synchronized on our every devices i.e. mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, macbook and so on.... I think it would be very helpfull for autofocus.
October 5, 2011 at 8:37 | Registered CommenterJupiter
So, what are you finding most useful right now, Jupiter? Are you finding TaskPaper working more effectively over OmniFocus simply because of its simplicity?
What about notes, journals and web-clippings?
October 12, 2011 at 20:25 | Registered CommenterBKK
@BKK little by little I realize that all this stuff is too complicated and takes too much time. Of is a nice tool may be one of the best I tried but a good AF paper list works perfectly well with me. Projects is on the same philosophy. The simplest they are the better efficiency they give !
So I have decided not to control everything and let my intuition going. Basically I try to give aims to my stuff rather than detailing things. The result is a short list with nothing but what really count instead of a huge flow of datas I have to read and read again. I realize that too much detail blocks my intuition and blocks my efficiency. In fact details justify my work. I don't need any justification anymore, I am in peace with me :-)
October 14, 2011 at 12:46 | Registered CommenterJupiter
<<@BKK little by little I realize that all this stuff is too complicated and takes too much time.>>

You got that right, Jupiter. Nice understatement.

<<Of (Omnifocus) is a nice tool may be one of the best I tried but a good AF paper list works perfectly well with me.>>

Again, I am finding the same to be true.

<<Projects is on the same philosophy. The simplest they are the better efficiency they give !>>

That's why I have given up on OmniFocus for projects. I mean, what are projects? They are items that can not practically be listed in AF in too much detail because of the way that our minds dump informatin and formulate steps in groups. So, a simple sequence or list is all we need. If we are going to do it digitally, an over-simplified app like TaskPaper works fine.

<<So I have decided not to control everything and let my intuition going.>>

It took me too long to realise this.

<<Basically I try to give aims to my stuff rather than detailing things.>>

By "aims", I assume you mean "goals", or "objectives".

<<The result is a short list with nothing but what really count(s) instead of a huge flow of datas I have to (be) read and read again. I realize that too much detail blocks my intuition and blocks my efficiency. In fact details justify my work. I don't need any justification anymore, I am in peace with me (myself) :-)>>

Again, I agree 100%. These are basic, but strong words. Sounds like I am attempting to simplify my life (and projects) in a similar manner as you are, but not giving up the general principles of AF.

Thanks for the response and reinforcement.
October 14, 2011 at 20:07 | Registered CommenterBKK
@BKK Thanks I see we have concluded in the same way.

By "aims", I assume you mean "goals", or "objectives". Yes indeed.

I begin now a real simplification. Strangely iCloud and the new Mac IOS helped me a lot with this.
October 14, 2011 at 20:30 | Registered CommenterJupiter
Just thought I'd bump this post as Apple / iOS reminders is even more worth considering after recent revisions than when this was originally posted.
November 27, 2019 at 15:26 | Unregistered CommenterGadgets
There are 2 types of recurring tasks, how does it work in Reminders?
1. if you have to cut the grass once a week and are 3 days late, you need the recurring task to generate a week FROM the completion date.
2. For a monthly bill, you want the reminder to be generated every month regardless of the last completion date.

Also I noticed that Reminders cannot handle a time AND location reminder. Eg at a particular worksite I have to do a task not more than every 7 days. I cannot make one with Reminders and set it to every 7 days because it reminds me when I am not at the site. If I do location-based, it reminds me EVERY time I am at the site.
The way I would want it to work is to remind me when I am at the site, but only if 7 days has elapsed from the last completion. I wonder if there is any app that can do this?
January 28, 2020 at 5:16 | Registered CommenterZeloc
The app Due does not do locations, but is VERY flexible on how you want to be reminded as to time.
January 31, 2020 at 19:04 | Unregistered CommenterMotherWit