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Discussion Forum > List of Current Initiatives?

Having tons of backlog, I guess I need a list of current initiatives arranged in the order in which I am going to deal with them.

How detailed should this list be ? Just a few lines regarding the fields of work I am behind of, maybe including the names of a few projects, or should it be as detailed as possible with sub-projects, work packages, and actions?

What would be better: a short list giving the big picture of my backlog or a long detailed list? And should the list of current initiatives be a closed list like the will-do list?


February 1, 2007 at 13:32 | Unregistered CommenterRainer
I'm sure Mark will weigh in here, but my preference is for a one-line description of the CI and not get too detailed too early. A too-detailed pre-plan would increase my resistance to starting the project. I'd say not to think about it too much, esp if you're just creating a list. And then, since they're all important (otherwise, why write them down), then tackle the most urgent first.

I'd say that you only need a little bit of planning to get started. Getting started is the key. The rest of the project tends to work itself out as you progress into the future.

It's rather like E.L. Doctorow's description of writing a novel as driving at night. You can only see as far ahead as the car's headlights, but you get to your destination in the end.
February 2, 2007 at 14:59 | Unregistered CommenterMike Brown