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Discussion Forum > The Compound Effect

"The Compound Effect" is the title and subject of a book by Darren Hardy. The core thesis is that all actions have an effect, and that effect is compounded by consistent repetition. It then gets into detailed instructions on practical ways to achieve the benefits of consistency.

The compound effect is related to Mark's "little and often" principle. Doing some little thing has a small effect. Doing that little thing consistently over time has a large effect, and the effect is compounded the more you do it.

It works like in investing money. Invest a little money, and over time this compounds to a larger sum. But invest a little money and later a little more, and repeat this over time, and this becomes a massive sum through the combination of savings and growth. The same applies to eating fast food and its downstream effects. The same applies to practicing music, working on a project, watching TV, or building a career.

Whatever the effect of a small investment might be, the effect is compounded the more you invest your time into it.
August 13, 2012 at 21:51 | Registered CommenterAlan Baljeu
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April 8, 2019 at 18:20 | Unregistered Commentershirin
I like this book. I would give it 4/5. Sometimes I listen to it on the way to work when I need some extra motivation. I usually end up feeling pretty pumped after listening to it. Definitely in line with "little and often" combining to produce great things. He sounds a little like a motivational speaker in the recording, but sometimes that is useful when you need some short-lived bursts of motivation here and there.
April 13, 2019 at 21:24 | Unregistered CommenterCameron