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Discussion Forum > About AF1

I Folks,

I decided to take a litlle while from my free time to read again all MF systems and also red my journal especially the old one where I noticed how I was impressed by the incredible powers and results of AF1 on my activities. So I have change my paper spiral notebook which never leave me, I decided to give it a new try with a fresh view and I carefully red MF notice.

I will soon give you me feed back about it but I wonder if you still use AF1. I mean in it original way with no twicks and all and if you do what is your opinion about it. Is it efficient for you ? If you could give example it would be sure interesting.

So what's about you ?
February 3, 2016 at 8:38 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter

Good luck!

My own experience with AF1, which is very extensive by now, is that it is best done without tweaks as you say.

You also need to see dismissal as part of the system and not as a punishment. Dismissal is what causes the "autofocus".

One final tip is that you need to keep moving quite fast through the system. Most people who get bogged down with it are trying to do too many tasks on a page for too long. "Little and often" is the motto.
February 3, 2016 at 9:06 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Well, well. The experiment was short. I come back to FV. Even I loved the stand out process the questionning makes things more focus and close to my goals and critical tasks. Dont know why. It could be funny to compare which tasks are selected with AF1 VS FV. There is only one problem I will speak about later it is the size of my list. The increasement is astonishing. It's frighten me.
February 4, 2016 at 16:45 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter