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Discussion Forum > 5T + dynamic lists on White Board

I've got two big white boards in my cubicle at work. I've been using them for my 5T list and Dynamic Lists.

I really like it because it's a very clean way of throwing the list away -- just erase it! Also I just erase items when they are done. I don't feel the need to keep a record of what got done each day, so this has been great,

One of my Dynamic Lists is an "interruption" list. I put stuff there that comes up while I'm working the 5T list. I also put ideas and thoughts there.

I also have a longer-lasting Commitments List on one of the white boards. This is stuff that will cause a problem if I forget about it. I treat this more as an Accumulation list than a Dynamic list - I don't erase it every day. This isn't really the same as a Projects list, because I include anything that will be a problem if I drop it, not just an explicit list of committed projects. I've tried doing a project list like that, but it just feels heavy and dead - maybe I'll find a way to make it work, but for now this Commitments list is working better.

I don't have any particular method for moving things from the Interuption or Commitment List to the 5T list. When it's time to refill the 5T list, I just write down whatever is top-of-mind -- which sometimes means scanning those other lists, and sometimes doesn't.

This has been working really well - keeps things alive, fresh, and focused, but doesn't allow me to forget important things. It's also very simple.

At end of day I scan the interruptions list for anything that needs to go to the Commitments list -- otherwise I just erase the interruptions list, as well as the 5T list and any other dynamic lists that may have come up during the day.
February 26, 2016 at 19:47 | Registered CommenterSeraphim