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Discussion Forum > Tim Ferriss: Saying No, and dealing with The Fear of Missing Out

Great blog post from Tim Ferriss. It's from last October, so many of you may have already read it, but it was new to me, and pertinent to some of the current forum discussions.

Some excerpts:

<< This post will attempt to teach you how to say “no” when it matters most. At the very least, it will share my story of getting there. It’s a doozy. >>

<< To become “successful,” you have to say “yes” to a lot of experiments. To learn what you’re best at, or what you’re most passionate about, you have to throw a lot against the wall. Once your life shifts from pitching outbound to defending against inbound, however, you have to ruthlessly say “no” as your default. Instead of throwing spears, you’re holding the shield. >>

<< Life favors the specific ask and punishes the vague wish. >>

<< All of my biggest wins have come from leveraging strengths instead of fixing weaknesses. Investing is hard enough without having to change your core behaviors. Don’t push a boulder up a hill just because you can. >>

<< ARE YOU FOOLING YOURSELF WITH A PLAN FOR MODERATION? … Where in your life are you good at moderation? Where are you an all-or-nothing type? Where do you lack a shut-off switch? It pays to know thyself. >>

<< [Use] pain to find clarity. Pain–if examined and not ignored–can show you what to excise from your life. For me, step one is always the same: write down the 20% of activities and people causing 80% or more of your negative emotions. My step two is doing a “fear-setting” exercise on paper, in which I ask and answer “What is really the worst that could happen if I did what I’m considering? And so what? How could I undo any damage?” Below is a real-world example… >>

Full post at
March 24, 2016 at 20:43 | Registered CommenterSeraphim