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Discussion Forum > Processing Gmail

I've always had trouble clearing out my personal email -- far more trouble than clearing out my work email -- even though the volume of my work email is substantially larger.

I think a big reason for it is that I use Gmail for personal, and NEO for work.

NEO is awesome for quickly processing mail. Gmail is pretty good about some things but very clunky in others.

Well, I just found a Gmail "lab" that vastly speeds up my email processing -- making it feel a lot faster, kind of like NEO.

It's the "Auto Advance" lab! If you turn on this lab, then whenever you are viewing, if you move, delete, archive, or otherwise process an email, it automatically advances to the next email. (Rather than returning you to your list of emails, which is what it does normally). This saves a tremendous amount of clicking, mousing, and TIME.

This is such a small thing but has allowed me to clear out such a vast amount of email in so short a time, I thought I should share it with everyone.

To turn it on:
1. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner
2. Select Settings
3. Click on the Labs tab
4. Search for the auto-advance lab
5. Click Enable to turn it on
6. Scroll to bottom of screen and choose Save Changes

Then watch how much faster you can process your Gmail inbox!!
May 20, 2016 at 18:34 | Registered CommenterSeraphim