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Discussion Forum > Dismissing a Task

Dismissing a task should not feel bad. You did not break a commitment by deleting that task. You can always re-enter the task. You did not decide it's fate as "never done" by deleting it from the list. You did merely put the task into a test: will you come back?
November 8, 2017 at 13:02 | Unregistered CommenterChristopher
That's the scary part: Will you come back? I know this task found its way into my list of its own accord, but if I let it go free, will I miss it? If I remember it some time later, I can add it in again, but what if it's too late?

At some level it's mere paranoia. I "forget" a million things every day, referring to all the things I could possibly do but didn't because I never thought of them. Tomorrow is a million more possibilities. And if this task I dismissed represents a lost opportunity, it's dismissal represents time now available to act on a better opportunity. (And it is better since it will be something I choose to do, unlike the one I dismissed.)
November 9, 2017 at 0:03 | Registered CommenterAlan Baljeu