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Discussion Forum > Make every minute count

Today I've decided to keep a timelog of how I spend my time. I've started a new list just for what I want to work on today and I will process it using Standing-Out. Unlike some other attempts at time-logging, I'm going to account for every minute rather than rounding it up or down to 5-minute slots. I know this will add some overhead but I think it's worth it if it makes me focus carefully on what I'm doing.

Sometimes I spend a long time paralysed by the choice of possible processing methods I could use, so I'm just going to let my subconscious get on with it. It's just occurred to me that I've never given Standing-Out a sustained trial, although I believe I understand the concept behind it. I'm hoping that the fact that I've posted this thread will be sufficient motivation to just work my way through today's tasks without procrastination.

On the subject of Standing-Out, I've come across a rather mundane example that I think describes the process. When I go into my e-mail home page, I have to log in with my e-mail address. The PC takes a few seconds to display the log-in box, and in those few seconds I use the mouse to position the cursor where I think the log-in box will appear. I don't say to myself "well I know it's on the right-hand side of the screen, and I I know it's somewhere further down than the middle, and I know how high the box is, I wonder if it's about here, or maybe up a bit?" - I don't go through any of that rigmarole, I just let my hand move to where it wants, without any conscious calculation. And nine times out of ten, it's within the box, or just a few millimetres out. I think that's a metaphor for the standing-out process - don't get in your own way, just let your subconscious demonstrate its capability.
November 26, 2017 at 10:58 | Unregistered CommenterMargaret1