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Discussion Forum > SOS in a very stressfull moment

Mark, friends:

I'm going now to a very stressful situation. The economy of my country (Argentina) is awful, but my personal feelings are not much better: me and my wife are in a middle of a working schedule that is a mess, and I have a lot of delayed work that went out of my control. I returned to the long list and dreams methods and I feel that, as always, Mark's ideas are the best for dealing with these things, but coming back and trusting my deep mind is very difficult. Do anyone have any advice or idea? My feelings are now like a rollercoaster. Thanks.
December 12, 2019 at 12:43 | Unregistered CommenterPablo
Hi Pablo,

I second both the long list method and using the Dreams schema to strengthen your intuition.

Two things I rely on outside of Mark's systems to help me with work overload and the stresses it produces are exercise and mindfulness. I run every morning, making sure to do a slow run the day after a fast one to not get burned out, and I use the headspace app (though there are many other apps to use, and of course you don't really need an app at all) to do 10 minutes of mindfulness before I enter the office to work.

Neither of these address whatever the cause of the difficulty may be but I find they mitigate the symptoms and I feel much better when I stay on the wagon.

best of luck to you and your wife Pablo! Remember that all situations change and this will too.
December 12, 2019 at 20:18 | Unregistered Commentervegheadjones

Sorry to hear about your stressful situation.

You don't go into a great deal of detail, and your problems are probably way more than just time management. However in my experience the two main stressors in managing one's time are:

1. Constant interruptions because of emergencies.

2. Getting further and further behind with your work.

You might find these two articles helpful:
December 13, 2019 at 14:22 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Thanks, Mark and vegheadjones:

I'm slowly recovering my center. As you say, Mark, I don't have a "time management" problem, but a "mind management" problem instead: my mind gets crazy when I have to confront stressing situations, and I literally get frozen or run away from these.

The only way I found to cope with this is pulling the handbrake and coming back to my center. I do this through writing: from freewriting sessions (in the Janet Conner or Julia Cameron way, or James Pennebaker, if you like) to all of your techniques, in particular the long list methods. I don't do anything (I mean, anything... well, maybe some minor things) without writing it before. That's diminish my stress and anguish. I decided to have a complete faith on the long list, so I rule my life through it, and don't let the madness of the world gets in my way.

Meditations and routines are another pilars, but I have written them on my list, so this is the one list to rule them all.

I'll post some results in the future, as a way to improve myself and maybe help others on the same situation.

Thanks all both for your advice and support.
December 16, 2019 at 14:52 | Unregistered CommenterPablo

How are you getting on with the "How Good Am I Feeling?" exercise?
December 17, 2019 at 19:30 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Hi, Mark, thanks for your question.

I have this question "How good am I feeling?" on my list. When I come to the question, I ask myself and write again with the number. I started some days ago with 4 o 5. I reached 7 yesterday, then go down to 5 but now I feel I'm recovering again. It depends on what happens, but I noticed, as you say, that the question brings light to my inner state and the things that makes me feel better, as meditation, writing or following the list itself.

Do you (or anyone) have some insights with this exercise?
December 20, 2019 at 15:18 | Unregistered CommenterPablo

I've written quite a bit about it over the years, and the comments are worth reading too.

I suggest you do a search for "How good am I feeling?" in the Search This Site box in the right-hand column.
December 20, 2019 at 16:27 | Registered CommenterMark Forster

When my life turns upside down, I go back to basics. Healthy food, sleep, cleaning, exercise, time with spouse, and a bit of social. Also just a bit of distraction. Everything else is put down gently, until things are less stressful. I make better decisions when I'm healthy. If I try to do too much, I usually choose things that don't actually make things better.

I'd like to start the How good am I feeling exercise, but then look at all the other journal prompts I've collected and can't decide which to do.

May you be well.
May you be happy.
May you be healthy in body and mind.
May you live in peace and ease.
May you be surrounded by and filled by loving kindness.
December 27, 2019 at 19:46 | Registered CommenterCricket