I just read this article about self-control. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ritual-and-the-brain/201806/you-have-more-control-over-your-self-control-you-think
The main point is that, in general, individuals exhibit better self-control when the task is framed as _not requiring_ much self-control. Good to see that laboratory psychologists can confirm what Mark has been teaching for decades: "Just get out the folder," or "Just do _some_ work on the item before rewriting at the end of the list." I've cracked my resistance to certain projects by committing to 5 minutes, once per day.
The main point is that, in general, individuals exhibit better self-control when the task is framed as _not requiring_ much self-control. Good to see that laboratory psychologists can confirm what Mark has been teaching for decades: "Just get out the folder," or "Just do _some_ work on the item before rewriting at the end of the list." I've cracked my resistance to certain projects by committing to 5 minutes, once per day.
Make it look easy,