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Discussion Forum > How do you Journal?

I love journaling and my life changed since I started doing it a couple of years ago.
I'm creating a service, and I am looking for people who are willing to answer some questions about Journaling:

¿How often do you journal?
¿Do you use journaling prompts or any specific journaling technique?
¿Do you use a specific software (Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc) or do you use pen and paper?
¿Do you save your old journals?
¿Do you revisit and read your old journals?

The service would work like this:
1. You receive an email with a journaling prompt every morning.
2. You reply to the email every day with your journal entry.
3. At the end of every month you will receive a professionally designed PDF (ready to print) with your journal entries

Do you think this is a service you'd be interested in?
May 21, 2020 at 14:43 | Unregistered CommenterEnrique
I am generally not interested in stuff that stores my data somewhere, anywhere in the 'net. This is a privacy issue.

I am generally not interested in Electron based local apps either. This is a user experience (UX) issue.

I am a regular buyer of software. Platform specific, well-designed desktop apps that work even if I happen to be "offline."
May 21, 2020 at 21:17 | Unregistered CommenterChristopher

There's quite a number of journalling websites and apps available already. What are the reasons one might want to use yours rather any of the existing ones?
May 21, 2020 at 22:46 | Registered CommenterMark Forster