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Discussion Forum > What do you do with future tasks?

Mark and others, you have mentioned that you do not put tasks on your long list that you do not intend to action within a week. So what do you do with items that you know must get done but that you know you will not get to this week or this month? Say, you might have a number of different blog posts to write and a bunch of miscellaneous housework that you know you cannot get to right now but that you need to remember and action as quickly as you can and maybe a few long email replies that are not urgent but that you must respond to and a bunch of new ideas that need evaluation for your next product, but again, will not fit into the time you have for this week? They are all to do, but won't get any attention for at least a week, you just know about there existence earlier.
December 31, 2020 at 9:02 | Unregistered CommenterAaron Hsu
I put a date on them and add to the list when that date arrives. This is the start date, not the finish date.
December 31, 2020 at 19:16 | Registered CommenterAlan Baljeu