Discussion Forum > Serial Next Hour, anyone?
Yes, I do something similar to this. Just before I read this post, I wrote down what to do in the next 25 minutes. I set a timer for 1 minute so the list doesn't get too long. Sometimes the list does grow.
I will sometimes write a list of things to do an hour before a meeting to prepare, or before going out to do errands, or before a trip, or before going to work. Often as I start actioning the list, I will think of things I need to do, and add to the list. In these cases, most of the time all the items get actioned, so there is nothing to carry over.
I will sometimes write a list of things to do an hour before a meeting to prepare, or before going out to do errands, or before a trip, or before going to work. Often as I start actioning the list, I will think of things I need to do, and add to the list. In these cases, most of the time all the items get actioned, so there is nothing to carry over.
June 10, 2021 at 14:34 |
Mark H.
There is a book of GTD for teens, which I bought though I'm a senior, that states that one could have checklists for routines. I don't recall reading that in the other GTD books. I have tried that, and worked out sometimes. However, other times the items vary enough that it takes less time just to write it out each time. The list is short but helps if there are things to do that are essential to do in short amount of time and I don't want to forget.
June 10, 2021 at 14:44 |
Mark H.
I'm taken to using my GAP system one hour at a time. I commit to what I will try to achieve in the next hour, and then refer to the list for what next.
June 10, 2021 at 14:50 |
Alan Baljeu
Has anyone tried combining Mark's "The Next Hour" with Seraphim's Serial No-List?
This is what I have been doing for the past few days:
Write down what I want to do in the next hour, off the top of my head. If I am not sure what I want to do in the next hour, I review previous hours lists. If new items come up I add them to this hour and either get to them or not in that hour. If I finished what I want to do in the hour early (and no new task stands out) I review previous hour lists.
So far so good, just the right amount of planning with the ability to move anything up to this hour, and very little overhead.