Discussion Forum > Do Nothing Meditation
I like the way that he says that "Sit down and do nothing" is the full instructions, and then follows it with twelve paragraphs of further instructions.
September 2, 2021 at 12:37 |
Mark Forster
The interest for me was the resistance I feel to putting "do nothing" on my task list.
September 4, 2021 at 12:15 |
A lot of people these days are chronically over stimulated. This sort of "Do Nothing" can be *really* powerful I think. I do think that people don't know how to not do anything these days. It's ironic that we need so much instruction on "nothing".
September 4, 2021 at 22:23 |
Aaron Hsu
A coach I worked with one time recommended (with some of her overthinking clients) a daily practice of sitting on a couch or chair and just being bored for 20 minutes. We are so scared of being bored, of not having some kind of input to process or activity to do, that we go to ridiculous lengths to distract ourselves.
When I meditated regularly, the practice was to slowly recite memorized passages from the Bible, Tao te Ching, and other spiritual literature. Even then, I was "doing" something mentally, and some days it was quite heavy going!
But to sit quietly with no input for 20 minutes (aside from the sounds of the house or the street) -- it's ridiculous, but my first thought is, "Where am I going to find 20 minutes to do nothing??" :)
When I meditated regularly, the practice was to slowly recite memorized passages from the Bible, Tao te Ching, and other spiritual literature. Even then, I was "doing" something mentally, and some days it was quite heavy going!
But to sit quietly with no input for 20 minutes (aside from the sounds of the house or the street) -- it's ridiculous, but my first thought is, "Where am I going to find 20 minutes to do nothing??" :)
September 5, 2021 at 14:53 |
Mike Brown
"We were in there about six hours and no I was not meditating. I just stood there quietly breathing. There were no thoughts in my head whatsoever. My mind was blank I don't know what the hell these other crackpots are doing"
Ron Swanson - Parks and Recreation Season 4, Episode 19
Ron Swanson - Parks and Recreation Season 4, Episode 19
September 6, 2021 at 17:00 |
This thread rings a few bells with me over the late Douglas Harding's "Headless Way".
September 6, 2021 at 17:15 |
Mark Forster
The point I find interesting is that to structure workflow comfortably one needs to have a commitment to a certain level of self care and peacefulness during the day. What's so puzzling is that there seems to be a degree of reluctance to do that, at least on my part.
September 8, 2021 at 9:50 |
- http://deconstructingyourself.com/do-nothing-meditation.html