Discussion Forum > What were your experiences with 5/2 vs NL-FVP?
I've been exploring some no list systems, and I wanted to know what people's experiences were between NL-FVP and 5/2? Did you find you liked one more than the other? Why?
Haven't tried 5/2, so I can't answer your question. For what it's worth: The Simplest Form of No-List (writing the next thing before doing it) has worked best for me. I like the focus it brings and the flexibility (you don't have to choose multiple tasks in advance). I've yet to test some of the other no-list systems thoroughly though.
I'm using 5/0 at the moment, which consists of writing five tasks, working on them to completion and then writing another five tasks. Don't bother searching for this - I've never written about it before - it's just a variant I am trying out. I'm using it in conjunction with an interval system, and intend to write a blog post about using interval systems. In fact "Write Blog Post" is the next task but one!
With 5/2 the inbuild procrastination worked better for me. With NL-FVP procrastination is a littler bit too obvious, that demotivated me. I don't want to know that I am lying to myself when I am doing so on purpose!
I'm using 5/0 at the moment, which consists of writing five tasks, working on them to completion and then writing another five tasks. Don't bother searching for this - I've never written about it before - it's just a variant I am trying out. I'm using it in conjunction with an interval system, and intend to write a blog post about using interval systems. In fact "Write Blog Post" is the next task but one!