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Discussion Forum > Autofocus 4 modified.

I imagine this modification has been discussed somewhere before, but here goes anyway.

I've only ever used the simple scanning algorithm. One of its strengths to me is that the entire list gets treated equally. But I like the idea of a closed list that I try to complete as in AF4, just to give my mind something to work towards rather than one looooooong list. One of the reasons I've not tried AF4 is that I fear I'll be stuck in the closed list for a while when I really feel a need to be over in the open list where the urgent/important stuff is. But I'd also like to clear out my backlog too.

So rather than making the requirement of staying in backlog until the pass that you don't select anything, what if the rule is "when you get the end of the closed list, decide whether or not you want to return to the closed list or move on to the open list". It's kind of a way of "dotting" the entire list of either open or closed. Which list stands out as wanting to be completed more, backlog or urgent stuff? I'm going to try it and report back.

And I suppose the same highlighting backlog on the first of not dotting anything rule would still apply too.
June 9, 2023 at 15:43 | Unregistered CommenterCameron
Oh that's pretty similar to how I processed my modified AF4 as well. Basically, the only rule is that I must do a Closed List task before going to the Open List, or the Closed List will be dismissed. The only difference is that if needed I have the option of treating Dismissed tasks as part of the Closed List (that is, do at least one previously dismissed task before going to the Open List; I just didn't want my AF4's dismissed tasks as just a black hole of "Someday/Maybe" tasks) if I didn't want to dismiss the Closed List just yet. So, I am pretty sure your system is viable.
June 9, 2023 at 19:09 | Registered CommenterEd Z