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Discussion Forum > DIT and part-time work

I work part time (typically Mon, Wed, Fri, but not always such a regular day spread over a week) in quite a reactive type of job (Youth work organization) and trying to get DIT to work without being very late in some tasks is proving tricky.

A typical problem would be, Email is sent on Tuesday. Arrive at work on Wed, and email is read. Typically I need to do an action e.g. Book someone's flight, so that is tasked for, and done on Friday. For much of my work that's just too slow. Asked on Tuesday and done on Friday, not really good enough to keep the projects flowing.

Usually I do it Wed as an 'same day urgent', but it does not seem in the spirit of DIT to have up to 10 of these in a day. Any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance, Bruce.

November 7, 2008 at 20:56 | Unregistered CommenterBruce
Bruce, any thoughts on handling the email tasks when they come up? I'm not sure if this is pure DIT or not, but when I open email, I like to handle the emails (batched, from the previous day) at one time. You are still handling emails in a systematic way, which will really make things less chaotic. If future actions are needed past the initial action, I would write that in your task diary.

Just my opinion. Hope it helps.
November 7, 2008 at 22:36 | Unregistered CommenterErik
Thanks Erik, yes I think this would work. If I collect all emails that generate tasks from the last two days in one batch in the morning. Then sub-divide it into task related groups (e.g. paper/phone/web-based) then at least similar tasks are grouped together which will speed up getting them sorted out. I loose the 'day buffer' of DIT but it's better than doing it at random, or doing it too late.

Working Part time is such a pain, I think I might end up going full time just to make DIT work properly!


November 8, 2008 at 12:17 | Unregistered CommenterBruce

There's no doubt that the sort of irregular spread of days which you describe does pose a problem for DIT. However there are several possible ways of adjusting the system to adapt to this type of working. You might try experimenting with the following to see which fits best for you:

1) Divide the days you work into two "mini-days", divided at lunchtime. So in your example, you read the email on Wednesday morning (mini-day 1) and take the action on Wednesday afternoon (mini-day 2).

2) Change the batching method so that, instead of drawing a line at the end of the day ready for tomorrow, you draw a line as you start the batch. In your example, you read the email on Wednesday morning, transfer the action to the Tasks batch and then deal with it the same day when you reach that batch.
November 8, 2008 at 13:20 | Registered CommenterMark Forster