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Discussion Forum > Spam, Spam and more Spam!

Hi All

I've extracted the comments from the [][][][][] Spam thread below so that they don't get deleted when Mark clears the spam. Can I suggest that we don't add any more comments to Spam threads as I will have no idea how to reference them when updating the FAQ's ..... :-) Thanks everyone!


How does this person manage to spam this forum???

..........................................................March 27, 2009 at 2:39 | Charles

Are you suggesting that we are worse off for a Barbie pink site flooding the world with pretty false nails from a secret hideaway somewhere in the Ukraine?

On the face of it, spamming this audience with illegible messages is not a winning strategy for Klopot's Nail Emporium.

But again...

Perhaps Jacqueline's team would appreciate the product after smashing their own nails on their keyboards entering the same accounting data three times?

And, thinking about it, after the sheer volume of their typing on this site, perhaps we owe Jacqueline and Christine B some repairs?

But (again), it would be morally wrong to reward spammers for their inept villainy...

Oh dear: this wasn't on my task list...

.......................................................March 27, 2009 at 11:09 | Will

I think it's a great testimony to the power of Autofocus that even the spammers come here to learn about it! I suppose it helps them become better spammers. ;)

.................................................March 27, 2009 at 16:35 | Seraphim

Something tells me Mark F. is off enjoying some quality time with his daughter. Good for him, and unfortunately good for spammers.

I can't help it that I type fast Will - and have lots of questions! :-) Christine has answers, I just have problems. At least our methods are totally different so there's two opposing viewpoints!

I wonder if they entered spamming the site as a recurring task...

....................................................March 28, 2009 at 12:30 | Jacqueline

Oooh Jacqueline - don't give me too much credit! I have lots of problems! :-) Not least of which being the fact that I am now on page 64 and have already added 72 items today! BUT - the first stage of my project is finished! I expect to add lots more items today and then from tomorrow they should diminish rapidly! Wheeeee!

...................................................March 28, 2009 at 13:12 | Christine B

You're beating me then Chirstine, I added 3 and finished 6 and it's not even noon. Did 2 loads of laundry and walked the dog for almost 2 hours both off list too. And I think I found my hardwood flooring nailer on kijiji - who knew getting a used nailer could be so... *hard*??? :-)

....................................................March 28, 2009 at 17:26 | Jacqueline

Only just beating you ...... :-)

And I just looked up kijiji so I now know what that is! Hmmm - I have laundry on my list and haven't done it yet :-(

....................................................March 28, 2009 at 18:09 | Christine B

Just give away most of your clothes on kijiji / freecycle and you'll be forced to do your laundry regularly. :-)

...................................................March 28, 2009 at 19:44 | Jacqueline

Now there's an idea :-)
...................................................March 28, 2009 at 22:39 | Christine B

This method also works for losing weight too - after I had my first baby, I was 40 pounds overweight, but never let myself buy new clothes - couldn't have afforded to anyway as I was going to university. But having to wear the same leggings every day was motivation to fit into my old clothes, that's for sure! :-)

...................................................March 29, 2009 at 3:22 | Jacqueline
March 30, 2009 at 9:41 | Unregistered CommenterChristine B