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Discussion Forum > Super Buch

I believe Mark mentioned these in one of his books--has anyone ever worked with a German Superbook or SuperBuch? What were the results? Where are they available for purchase?
April 1, 2009 at 23:50 | Unregistered CommenterTK
A Superbook/Superbuch as I know it is simply an "everything book" like Jane P mentioned it in another thread. Any paper notebook will do. The main purpose of the superbook is managing your notes. You write *everything* into it and take it with you everywhere. If you keep it this way it is what someone recently called a "big inbox processed regularly" (when he wanted to descrcibe the Autofocus method).

If you treat every page of your superbook as a closed list then you have an "embryonic" Autofocus notebook. If you apply the Autofocus method to it and dismiss every item that is just data or undoable junk, then you have a real Autofocus notebook.

After reading Jane's post last week I started two everything books, @work and @home+elsewhere. Works great for note taking, processing paper inbox etc. But I keep them separated from my two Autofocus notebooks, because I want only those tasks to be in my two Autofocus notebooks that I am at least somewhat committed to do .

Don't know about your German language skills, but here is link anyway:
April 2, 2009 at 8:50 | Unregistered CommenterRainer