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Discussion Forum > How did you change since using AF?

It may sound a bit dramatic, but I mean it. I'm curious if you noticed any emotional change or a change in your skills. Here's my take,
- I tend to continue projects I start
- I became more focused and less fragmented
- I notice more synergies between different areas in my life
- feeling safe that I won't forget about important things
- I enjoy 90% percent of what I'm doing
- a sense of freedom that I choose what I'm going to work on.
May 8, 2009 at 21:15 | Unregistered Commenteradam
For the first time in years my backlogs are reducing.
I am more focused in my approach to all activities.
I know where to find things and feel so much more in control.
I have stuck to the same system since 5 January 2009!
May 10, 2009 at 0:46 | Unregistered CommenterChristine B
Incredibly, I have been using this system effortlessly in a legal environment that demands exceptional file management skills (I am a professional mediator averaging about 2 mediations per day) and, I am almost embarrassed to say, I only have 7 tasks on my list that need to be done as of last Friday. You have no idea how overwhelmed I was when I first started this system. This is a credit to the system - I'm actually no only keeping up, but I'm way ahead of the curve. GTD talks about getting information off our minds and into a "trusted system." Autofocus is all that and so much more. Never mind getting tasks onto a trusted system, for the first time in my life I'm feeling the effects of actually doing them!!! Autofocus has created for me a huge bias toward's action and it's a wonderful feeling. Thanks, Mark.
May 10, 2009 at 1:06 | Unregistered CommenterPaul MacNeil
Incredible ! This system as changed my life in many ways.
I use it since February20th.

Since i Got a much better control of my info and what i had to do.
It makes works simoutanously my left and righ brain so the result is added to what Adam and Cristine said,

- a huge inscreasement of my instinct and capacities of seen things
- an incredible feeling of peace and ind like water
- a better thinking and focusing
- an incredible efficiency in all my tasks
- Even if they are numerous and watever they are.

I use it in my own way making a Mixt of GTD and AF:
For me, it's the perfect complementry To GTD method i use it remplacing context.
For the rest I use GTD.

Of course like most of us i tried some of my tricks such as using tags, colors, contexts as the GTD manner with AF rules, some digitaly aplliances Omnifocus, the hit list, taskpaper.

NOTHING really works except a single notebook and a pen !

Mark i thank you so much ! Your method really helped me, even if some little things are stlll difficult for me to manage.

So, I am impatiently waiting for your new rules, may be they will help me once more.
May 10, 2009 at 8:55 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter
I have only been using AF for two weeks now, after many years of GTD, and I am struggling with focusing on an older task page knowing there are potentially newer / more urgent task to be done on other pages in my list!

Slowly the wisdom of AF is bedding in, it is forcing me to spend time reducing backlog, and scheduling time to avoid meetings and work on my list. The biggest benefit so far has been reducing the overhead associated with full GTD, this alone has given me an extra hour to my working day - many thanks Mark!

Like everyone else I too am eager to hear more about the new system, but also very keen to allow Mark as much time as is needed to test the new system before we all jump in head first!

Happy autofocusing everyone!

May 10, 2009 at 20:42 | Unregistered CommenterDerek D
I might say something like this "- a huge inscreasement of my instinct and capacities of seen things". There are other things, too. I don't consider trying any other system ( of course, none of the past systems) execpt the new AF 2.
May 11, 2009 at 5:28 | Unregistered CommenterSilvia
And I should add, this atitude also happened in different circumstances. If I am VERY satisfied with something I don't want to see alternatives as I used to. This is quite new to me.
May 11, 2009 at 5:37 | Unregistered CommenterSilvia
So do I Sylvia ;)) This system is just incredible !
May 11, 2009 at 13:39 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter