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Discussion Forum > What di I put In AF list ? 


MF wrote in his AF notice "The system consists of one long list of everything that you have TO DO, written in a ruled notebook (25-35 lines to a page ideal). As you think of new items, add them to the end of the list. You work through the list one page at a time in the following manner" and later "One of the characteristics of this system is that you can chuck anything at it. I recommend that you enter everything that comes to mind without trying to evaluate. The system itself will do the evaluation"

I am realy more productive and happy with AF rules. However, There is something wich is not very clear for me and i wonder is for the others it's the same...

1. Mark when you say you put "everything that you have to do"Do you mean everything wich activable or do you mean everything you think about activable or non activabe such as dream, thought, tasks and so on...

By "activable" I mean what you want really want to act on at a very short term 3 month....

As you understand the problem is that AF system becomes very difficult to control at a certain amount of items even if we dissmiss pages.

So I wonder if it would be better to put only the actionable things or things you really want to do, think or follow about at a short term in AF and what is non "actionable" items in a some day or a may be list, as we do in GTD.

I read here and there that a lot of people has so many pages and are in trouble with this than this question really need for me a clear answer.

2. When you say" As you think of new items, add them to the end of the list."
Then it's idem actionable tasks or not ?

So please Mark thanks for telling us what is your point of view about this and for the others tell us how you do with this subjects and how you deal with it.
June 15, 2009 at 19:37 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter

You can break any system by putting too much into it, but basically AF can handle most things provided that you are prepared to see it dimiss them. In an early experiment I put a page and a half of books that I wanted to read into the system. By the second pass, the system had dismissed all but five of them. That was exactly the result that I wanted to see.

If you put a page of dreams and thoughts into AF, it will probably dismiss all but a few of them. That's fine. That's how it's supposed to work.
June 16, 2009 at 0:00 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Jupiter - With tasks that can't be done RIGHT NOW, but for some reason need to wait for a few days (or longer), I have different reactions to different tasks.

(1) Sometimes, the task doesn't bother me. I just skip over it. It merely fails to stand out. I may see the task a couple more times as I cycle through the pages. And then, finally, it's time to do the task. And I get it done.

Or, if I'm working the pages a bit faster, then the task can be facing dismissal. In that case, I realize I don't want to dismiss the task -- it's just not time yet to take action. For example, I'm still waiting on someone else. Or I'm waiting for a dependency to be completed. If the task is now facing dismissal, then I have a few choices. Instead of letting it be dismissed, I can rewrite the task to accommodate the dependencies. E.g., instead of "Change oil in the truck", I can change it to "Change oil in the truck?". This allows me to change the oil, if it's time, or to mentally answer the question "No", and then copy it forward. Another option, is to move the task to my tickler file. Let's say I don't expect it to be actionable for at least another two weeks. So, I put it in my tickler file for 2 weeks from today. When the two weeks is up, and I find the item in my tickler, I then copy it to my AF list and let AF take control of it at that point.

(2) Sometimes the task is annoying. Seeing a task that is unactionable can disrupt my train of thought and just be a bother. I'll usually immediately move those to the tickler and get them out of the way.

Hope that helps!
June 16, 2009 at 5:38 | Unregistered CommenterSeraphim

There's one thing I would add to what you have said: I wouldn't put something that can't be done until a certain date into my AF list, unless it was a very short time period like the next day. These items belong in one's reminder system (in my case Outlook Tasks) and one enters them in the AF list when the reminder comes up.
June 16, 2009 at 9:06 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
Jupiter, I don't go more than one month out. Any longer and I would have too many new projects on my list and I wouldn't be able to focus very well and finish things off on a timely basis while still having plenty of variety and plates spinning.

Why don't you let your list length determine how much you put on? When I see myself creeping up to 15 pages, I hold off on putting anything much new on (except organically grown stuff). When I get down to below ~ 60 items on however many pages, I don't have enough variety and know I have enough time to finish it all off in the next week or so, so it's time to put more on (goal-oriented stuff). That's my AF list 'sweet spot' - about 150 items or so - you need to find yours.
June 16, 2009 at 21:58 | Unregistered CommenterJacqueline
Mark -- As usual, you were able to say in 3 sentences what I couldn't adequately express in more than 3 paragraphs. :-)
June 17, 2009 at 3:24 | Unregistered CommenterSeraphim
Thanks to all it very intersting as usual. On my own experience i realize that over 15 page is impossible to handle. And most of all to be really operation AF must focus on what you really want to do. Ie what you dont know goes on a someday or may be list.

Using a tikler for things i have to do in the future is indeed the best way i found to handle this.

My last experiences about AF leads me to combine some GTD process and the global system of AF. re writings item on a computer file or on paper has a certain effect on productivity and inconscious.

However the simpler the system is the best it works.

I am quiet near to find my own system wich astonish me by it's simplicity.

As for GTD it's a collection of little tricks which helps me to face my tasks and obligations.

Chears to all.

June 17, 2009 at 14:07 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter