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Discussion Forum > How to mark the last item worked on

I'm pretty new to AF (longtime plain-GTD user), but have some good experiences with it.

What I struggle with:
I can't work on my HomeList in a daily pattern. I get in touch with my list let's say twice or thrice a week. While I keep my list in a pocket-sized moleskin notebook, I have the problem to remember on which item I worked on the last time when I was in AF-mode.

I tried to mark the item with a paperclip, but this was more annoying than helpful. Also I tried to make a dot with my pencil, but after a few weeks there a more than one dot - bit confusing.

Wonder if you have a work-around...

Thanks! Jens
June 19, 2009 at 14:21 | Unregistered CommenterJens
Hi Jens,

About a month into the system, I started putting the date of completion in the left margin beside the task. When I've been away from the system, I can just quickly look through for the latest date.

Welcome to the board and AF !!!
June 19, 2009 at 14:33 | Unregistered CommenterJacqueline

I always mark each task with a dot in the left-hand margin when I start work on it. It confirms me in the task and means I can find what I'm working on easily if I get interrupted. When I've finished the task I use the dot as the starting point for the line I delete the task with.

What I suggest you do is either leave the last item you were working on undeleted, or identify the task you intend to start working on when you return. Either way you will only have one undeleted dot in your notebook.
June 19, 2009 at 16:09 | Registered CommenterMark Forster
I use the "dot" method, described by Mark, but I like something bigger than a dot, since apparently my vision is worse than Mark's... :-)

So I use a pink "sticky" with an arrow drawn on it. I put it right above the current item that I am now working on, pointing down to the item. It stays there till I start working on something else.
June 19, 2009 at 18:59 | Unregistered CommenterSeraphim
The dot is great when you work on AF list. The problemùe i encountered with Af was to focus on items i must or plan to do today without checking all the pages of my AF list.

Anyway Just an idea wich works quiet well with me. in the morning just take a page for your new day and repport from AF and your personnal management systems all things your really want to do. Of course cross the items in the others system. If you have incoming item that can be done pr must be done today just write them on your today list.

When you have finished just go back to your Af list.
June 19, 2009 at 19:31 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter
thanks for your suggestions - some things are so simple and obvious, but they aren't apparent to the eye... - at least to mine

June 19, 2009 at 20:19 | Unregistered CommenterJens
no space for a date-entry on the pages of my pocket-sized moleskin. Maybe I should look for a new narrow font ;-)

stuff which has to be done today or on any other date goes into the calender - I thought?! The other description looks like the AF condensed version of AF - this I currently try... But I have the slightly feeling that I will come back to plain AF.

June 19, 2009 at 20:27 | Unregistered CommenterJens
@ Jens.
"stuff which has to be done today or on any other date goes into the calender - I thought?! The other description looks like the AF condensed version of AF - this I currently try... But I have the slightly feeling that I will come back to plain AF."

1. Yes all future items goes on my personnal management system
I use Omnifocus, ical and .page. I also use ical for essential item such as deadline, due taxes, closing projects, call of people when i must do them at a specific day or time.
2. Autofocus condensed is brillant it make me focus on the most important things and it works very well with me. Then when i have finished my big rocs of the day i can go bac to af list and do the rest of the work.
3. Omnifocus and page help me to manage and think about my project and future tasks

With this 3 system i almost have a perfect system.
AF Condensed for the focus urgent / Important stuff of the day, AF for the management the thinking, the reformulating of tasks related or not to a project, OF and .page (=word) for taking altitude, notes and reportings about project i can bring anywhere.
Bythe way my notes of the day are on the first part of my spriral note book.

As you can see with the thinking of each of us and my own reflexion i am improoving my efficiency and things are getting better and better.

It make me focus on my most important objectives ie as MF said "where does the money come from ? Wha are my most important clients ? How can i work faster and faster ? What can i delegate to who ? and so on....

Thanks so much to all !
June 20, 2009 at 6:20 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter