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Success is the product of daily habits, not once-in-a-lifetime transformations. James Clear




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Discussion Forum > AF 2 & AM Rituals

Two new rules support my desire to implement AM Rituals:

1) At the beginning of the day you are recommended to read the list through
2) Go to the last item on your list

The first rule gives me a general feel for my day. The 2nd rule allows me to place items such as exercise, meditate, etc., on my list, and, if my intent is strong enough, would ensure they get done first thing.

Huge improvement.
June 27, 2009 at 15:39 | Unregistered CommenterAvrum
Hi Avrum - AF2 truly can be Autofocus on steroids. Couple of hours of working on it, and I am already very keen to enter tasks to the end of the list, even time sensitive ones, as I know they will be looked at whenever I spring back from a task.

With AF1, I often had to think carefully before adding a task, because if it was urgent, and I had no way of reaching the end because of the huge chunk of intervening tasks, it would be dangerous to put it there. They often became calendared or do-it-now tasks.

And what about projects - not the hugely complex ones I suppose, but simple multistep actions which are simply added to the end for a quick project plan list. Exercise, taking your pills, drinking enough water ...all these types of actions, as you say, become so much easier to put in and handle during the course of the day.

June 27, 2009 at 19:22 | Unregistered CommenterJD
My first test are very encouraging.
Much better control of urgent items. Better focus. Still adictive as AF1. The first read without take action i done tonight (could not wait until tomorrow) made me realise that some task has to be done. For a better controle i drop a page and began a new AF list with my 8 most important and urgent item (more than 5 oups !...) I fell quiet for tomorrow (I know it is sunday !. My notes are still taken on a A4 notebook and AF is on a A5 note book so i can easely find them. I thougt about the minilist project. This is an habbit i took with AF 1 it works great . It make me focus on my project which if it is complex is wrinten in on a .page sheet or omnifocus. Tommorow i gonna do my office tasks but the real test f AF2 will be on monday when i will be on the rush.
June 27, 2009 at 19:47 | Unregistered CommenterJupiter