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FV and FVP Forum > When do tasks get crossed off?

How do you mark up your list after completing your preselected chain of tasks? Do you then cross off (strike through) the completed items? And in the case of more complicated projects, how do you indicate that you worked on it yet haven't completed it? And what if you don't complete one of the items on your list? Do you merely leave it as dotted?

Thanks so much. Don't know if I missed this or you simply haven't rolled out these instructions yet!
March 13, 2012 at 13:16 | Unregistered Commenterbellweather
The system's still very new but I think, unless someone corrects me... for a chain, you cross off the items that you complete but re-enter those where you just progress them but don't complete, i.e. do some work on, at the end of your list, including the first benchmark task if also incomplete.

So in 'doing' a chain, you many not complete any tasks but you'll do some work on them all (unless they're no longer appropriate) and re-enter them all before beginning pre-selection and doing of the next chain (which may or may not include tasks from your previous chain).

This is a common feature in Mark's systems and it encompasses 'little and often' on large or complex tasks. Mark's FV instruction on this quoted below:

"Note that as in all my systems, you don't have to finish the task - only do some work on it. Of course if you do finish the task that's great, but if you don't then all you have to do is re-enter the task at the end of the list."
March 13, 2012 at 13:38 | Unregistered Commentervisog