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FV and FVP Forum > Praise FV

I have tested almost all Mark systems since Autofocus 1, electronically and not, and I must admit they all crumbled in less than 3 months.
So it may be a little too soon to praise FV since I began yesterday but I remarked very interesting things.

- I really feel like really MANAGING my time and being on top of it (while I always felt lost, fearing of missing things with other systems)
- The process is fun! Creating chains is fun! Because you always put fun tasks before the hard ones. And the genius of it is that when you have done 3 or 4 easy tasks and you have only this ugly last task to do to finish the chain, YOU FINALLY DO IT! Or at least a little, and without too much resistance since you want to create another chain quickly! Brilliant.
- This is very simple to use(the AF systems were apparently simple but weren't), and it helps to solve procrastination and priority problems efficently!

I can say I love this system, and since I don't feel resistance to use it, it looks like a sustainable one (which is the main problem of all the systems I used until now). A system should work on autopilot, and don't ask for willpower to be maintained (like forcing weekly reviews you know...)

I hope I will say the same thing in a few months.
March 29, 2012 at 4:53 | Unregistered Commenterisd
I must add I don't feel the need to tweak the system. This may be the best improvement!!

Btw I am using Wunderlist and it works not so bad... the order of tasks are sometimes changed which is not really acceptable but they seem they may fix this in the future.
March 29, 2012 at 4:55 | Unregistered Commenterisd
I use the system for 1 week now, and this is the first time I use a system that makes me do all the tasks. There is no dismissing (there have been 1 dismissing but this was not something I really wanted to do, and I didn't feel quite good putting it on the list in the first place but I did it anyway to see what would happen).
At the same time I can say the resistance is low for most tasks.
The only effect I observed is that I must allow me pauses (acting freely without any system, on written tasks or others) unless I would feel overly stressed ticking tasks all day.
In a way it teaches me where are my concentration limits (and they are low ^^; but the system helps me to manage them)
April 5, 2012 at 5:57 | Unregistered Commenterisd
It's been a few months; are you saying the same thing?
August 20, 2012 at 18:08 | Registered CommenterDeven
I've been using it per the instructions since the beginning. It's the reason I'm still getting stuff done. Hardly miss a deadline (as was the norm in the past).

Before FV, my list used to hover around 150-175 items. For many weeks this spring and early summer it was around 90-110. Lately I've seen numbers in the 40s. It makes no sense since the workload seems to be increasing. More, harder, stuff to do and getting done.
August 21, 2012 at 3:36 | Registered CommenterMartyH