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FV and FVP Forum > Straightforward projects with Mom/Dad & kids (= using links)

I use the FV list to manage straightforward projects where most items can be done parallelly. At this moment there are 3 projects with about 100 items on the list among all other items. I feel more in control if I can see which items belong together as I don’t need to burden my memory with that information.

Project (or other entity) will be called here Mom/Dad and items connected to them are called kids. Kids can of course turn into a Mom/Dad and have kids of their own.

How to identify items: Put 0 on the upper corner of the first/chosen page, count the number of items on the that page and put that number to the bottom of the page. Then add that number to the upper corner of the next page etc etc. As a result, a unique number can be counted to every item when/if needed.

How to mark Mom/Dad; Look the number from the top of the page, and count the unique row number to the Mom. Modify Mom by adding a row number to the end, and by drawing a heart or some other graphical symbol after it.

How to mark kids; Modify a kid by by adding the Mom’s row number .

If/When Mom/Dad or kid items are rewritten, the original row numbers are kept as they are part of the items.

And here is a practical example to clarify the linking. The checklist for getting the camping car packed and ready for holiday has at this moment about 400 things in about 60 subgroups. So I have added the main goal + all subgroups to the FV list . If I need to buy or repair something before I can carry them to the car, it will go to the end of the FV list

Camping car packed; 249 (+) heart-symbol (this item is at row 249)
Bikes; 249 (at row 258)
Maps; 249 (at row 259)
Medicines; 249, 260 (+) heart-symbol (at row 260)
Painkillers; 260
Antihistamine; 260
Band-aids, different sizes; 260

As I like to see what’s on my plate, this way of managing straightforward projects in the FV list suits my way of working. I hope somebody else finds this linking idea useful.
May 10, 2012 at 8:56 | Unregistered CommenterpkNystrom

One tweak: Instead of counting each row, number the pages. Assume each page has 100 lines (or 50, but 100 makes the math easier).

Row 101 is the 1st row on page 1. 2115 is the 5th row on page 21.
May 10, 2012 at 13:25 | Registered CommenterCricket
I very rarely have projects where I need this kind of linking, but this seems like a really brilliant way of making them as needed. I think I'd use Cricket's variant since I'm already habitually numbering my pages. Clipped into my notes folder for future reference. Thanks!
May 10, 2012 at 13:59 | Unregistered CommenterR.M. Koske