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FV and FVP Forum > nostalgic with dismissal? ... AF4 + FV

I like very much FV: it has become my current system. Despite of this, I really miss the dismissal process. I tend to accumlate tasks at a rate greater than my execution rate, so the list grows to an unmanageable size.

I found a lean solution: AF4, with the added rule consisting in treating each of the two lists of AF4 (closed and open) according to the FV rules.

Simple, very effective ...... nearly perfect!
July 12, 2012 at 17:15 | Unregistered Commenternick61
You might have a point. With AF1, I see an entire list of things that I don't want to deal with. The size of the list sometimes jolts me into realizing I need to dismiss most of them. Or I deal with the easiest (just open the folder), turn the page, and postpone dealing with the worst as long as possible.

With FV, each chain has one or two old things. In one way, that's nice -- only one hard decision each chain. I find, though, that if it's only one thing, one small thing, then I keep the project active -- open the folder every few weeks -- rather than dismiss it.

I often apply FV to my daily goals list. It's only 15 or so lines, and each chain is about 3 tasks. Very smooth workflow.
July 12, 2012 at 18:10 | Registered CommenterCricket
@ nick61 : Can you elaborate how you process your idea?


- According to AF4 you have to work on the backlog as long as tasks are standing out. Only after one pass without selecting a task you do a 1 pass run through the active list, before returning to the backlog.

- According to FV you always have to select at least the oldest task in the list.

If I do combine AF4 and FV, as per your suggestion, I will always work on all the tasks in the backlog before being allowed to do a pass in the active list, which then automatically becomes the new backlog. It seems that one has to tinker with the preselection process in FV : use the stand out rule of AF4 to choose the root task and only then apply the FV rules …

Am I missing something?
July 13, 2012 at 14:49 | Unregistered CommenterStefano F. Rausch

I spend most of the time processing chains in the cloesed list.

*moving from cloese to open list*:
I execute one chain in the open list [basically to be sure not to miss urgent tasks] when:
- I've the feeling that too much time has passed from the execution of the last chain in the open list;
- many items has been added to the open list since the execution of the last chain in the open list;

I use the length of the open list to decide when dismiss the closed list [a huge open list is a symptom -- for me -- of a process going out of controll].

I always start a chain selecting the first item, regardless of the type of list (open/closed).
July 14, 2012 at 6:53 | Unregistered Commenternick61
@ nick61 : thanks for the clarification.
July 14, 2012 at 15:43 | Unregistered CommenterStefano F. Rausch