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FV and FVP Forum > Prioritized FV - Part 34 1/4

Couldn't help myself. I tried. I really did. Deven, let's get this party started.
September 14, 2012 at 6:53 | Registered CommenterMichael B.
I take it you're still doing this? Any changes? I'm thinking my process fits this category: Run through the list and pick stuff into a new list; FV through the picked stuff list, repeating until the list is dry (but new additions go to main list); then pick more stuff as needed.

I'm happy with it.
September 14, 2012 at 14:19 | Registered CommenterAlan Baljeu

"I take it you're still doing this?"

No, I'm using a different system, but the controversy stirred-up discussing Deven's previous tweak seemed a funny way to enliven the discussions around here.
September 14, 2012 at 16:51 | Registered CommenterMichael B.
The film "Naked Gun" had many sequels, including 1994's thought-provoking, educational, and intellectually-stimulating "Naked Gun 33⅓".
September 14, 2012 at 19:44 | Registered CommenterMichael B.
Actually, I've been meaning to return to that series for a while, if only because there were so many loose threads in that thread, so to speak. (There were a number of comments that I intended to reply to, but didn't get around to.) I'll probably make a new thread so the first post has the links to the previous threads, but that'll have to wait until tomorrow at least.

I'm no longer using Prioritized FV myself, but that's because the system of working chains (which I didn't change) just didn't work for me, with or without my priority tweak. I'm currently using AF2ND+, which is AF2ND with a similar priority tweak. (Of course!) No telling yet whether I'll stick with this one in the long term, but I'm still not tempted to change it further or switch to something else.
September 18, 2012 at 21:54 | Registered CommenterDeven