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FV and FVP Forum > Accomplist - FV and More

Accomplist is your accomplice to become a productivity Ninja. Accomplist is inspired by FV, but also includes room for other task management methodologies. It aims at keeping things as simple as possible and yet giving you utmost functionality.

Today there are many task management methodologies , however none of them is a "one size fits all" . We believe to boost your individual productivity you need to follow a combination of these techniques and evolve a custom methodology that's perfect for you. And that is what Accomplist does. It gives you the flexibility and power to handle your tasks and projects how you want, whether you'd like to follow Focus List, GTD , DIT , 43 Folders etc, or a combination of them, you can do it easily using Accomplist.

Accomplist is available on the AppStore for iPhone and iPad and a web version is under development.

Also, on April 5th we have an exciting new release planned.
We'd be glad to give out promocodes to anyone interested.
Please contact us via our facebook page :

We'd love to hear about what you have think of accomplist.

You can check out our introductory video at :
April 4, 2013 at 10:09 | Unregistered CommenterSaba Kazi
Just tried out the app. It's very innovative, love the simplicity of everything. The concept of smart tags and filtering is very useful. However i think u need an android version, and a web version ! I'm sure many people will find it very useful.
April 4, 2013 at 16:12 | Unregistered CommenterJohny King
Wonderful app seems to be very easy to use. I love the smart tags , bulk and email options. The sync with the cloud is also very smooth. Would recommend this. Waiting for the web app.
April 19, 2013 at 12:04 | Unregistered Commenterharry k
Nice App. Simple to use , with lot of powerful features. Interesting set of Repeating Options that cover a wide range of schedules . Would it be possible to include , repeat on first working day of the Month ?
August 17, 2013 at 21:02 | Unregistered CommenterJameson