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FV and FVP Forum > FV with Toodledo

I know FV from a week ago. I think that it has the simplicity and elegance of things that are plenty of "inspiration and transpiration", let us say, lot of creativity, reflection and elaboration.

To use FV I am setting up a system to implement FV with the free version of Toodledo (, I want to share the system and results here in a few weeks.

Meanwhile any related ideas will be welcome.
June 12, 2013 at 9:25 | Unregistered CommenterJulio

I've been using FV with Toodledo for a few months and I'm very happy with the results. I use the Toodledo Outlook Sync tool to keep my Outlook and Toodledo tasks in sync.

I mainly work in Outlook and dump all tasks into the "FV" category. When it is time to craft a chain, I go down the list and change the priority of the chosen tasks to "High". I have an Outlook Task View set to "FV Chain". When I change to that view, I see only the selected tasks. While working the chain, I either mark the task as completed or, if it is not yet complete, I change the priority back to medium (the default). It disappears from the chain view but it is still on my FV list.

An advantage of this system is that I can work the same chain from my iPhone or iPad, using the Toodledo App. I set up my Hotlist to include only High Priority items, resulting in the same view as in Outlook.

I have also written a few macros in Outlook that enable me to convert received emails into FV tasks with a click and to write new FV tasks from any Outlook window.

Good luck with your experiment. I look forward to hearing about your results.
June 12, 2013 at 14:21 | Unregistered Commentertomcal