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FV and FVP Forum > Strange query about an old post.

I have followed these forums for a long while. At one point, one of the very regular posters posted a comment about a note or list of about 5-10 ways s/he took care if his wife/husband (?). I don't remember the specific language, but I remember thinking it was a very sweet list of ways to show someone you care. I captured the orig. post and made a variation of it. I recently lost some of my Most favorite gems due to a virus. If anyone recalls who posted something like this, would you please re-post or post who it might have been.
I tried to search for it, but I must not recall enough of a text string to capture it in a search. Any Assistance would be greatly appreciated.
With appreciation,
August 7, 2013 at 0:27 | Registered Commentermary
August 7, 2013 at 12:53 | Unregistered CommenterLenore
Wasn't there a guy named Norman who was a regular for a while? I remember a post he did of the things he had to remember to ask his girlfriend about or remember to do for her when she came home from work, because these were behaviors that didn't come naturally to him. But he found that when he did these things, no matter how mechanical they felt to him, she appreciated them because they showed concern for her.

That's my memory of it, leastways. It was several years ago I think -- 2010? 2009?

As an aside -- when my wife and I go out to eat, she always asks if I want a sample of what's on her plate. This never makes sense to me! If I wanted what she ordered, I'd have ordered it! In my family, each person's food stayed on their plate and that was that. So I have to force myself to offer her a sample of what's on my plate; it feels very forced and unnatural to me, but she always appreciates it. So -- still learning!
August 7, 2013 at 14:58 | Registered CommenterMike Brown